Numb·skull•ar•y \nəm- 'skəl- er- ē\
Full Definition:
1 : somewhat offensive: unfiltered with possible mental retardation
2 : unintended wistful stupidity
3 : unavoidable mental latency
2 : something notably stupid or foolish ... notably
LRNtoday was created as a satirical outlet for my numbskullary filled mind to navigate through these most troubled times. Designed to elicit laughter and provoke thought and research whilst also drawing attention to some much needed social concerns.
"When someone pulls their head out of their ass, help them wipe the shit off their face." ilia k
"Humor is the lubricant that makes getting fucked up the ass oh so much better!" ilia k
"I've spent most of my life on a limb, rarely by the trunk." ilia k
At the bottom of the page, you'll find links to some very worthy causes.
All articles are "written" by me, unless otherwise noted, as are the "artworks" ... using the terms quite loosely.
All content on this web site, such as text, graphics, logos, images, offensive butt wiping materials and hence therefore unto such stuff ... are the property of La Republique Nationale, LLC Copyright 2017, La Republique Nationale, LLC. All Rights Reserved. All Content Copyright and other rights reserved by its Respective Owners. No Content May Be Duplicated Without Express Written Consent. a P.I.G. Production.