If Ya Didn't Feel Old Enough ... These Cars Now Qualify For Antique Plates: Sixteen Candles &

Welcome back to the series that showcases cars that now qualify as Antiques. Not sure when one qualifies as a relic but that's for another day's discussion.
In today's installment, Sixteen Candles and the Missed Anniversary or the year that never was:
The Porsche 944

The 944 was initially designed to replace Porsche's first production front engined car, the 924 but was built alongside it for several years. Yes, technically the glorious 928 was the first front engined Porsche designed but the 924 was quicker to the streets if not actually that quick.
The 924 was criticized as being mediocre at best but the market gobbled it up (especially in the States) and Porsche sold more than 125,000 examples by 1982 by the time the 944 was released.
The designers and engineers over in Stuttgart got the needle out and injected some steroids into the rump of the svelte 924 and produced the 944. Sacrificing some aerodynamics for some beef, the younger sibling was faster, better handling, more refined, and a hell of a lot sexier ... which it still is today.
I was always envious of Molly Ringwald because her birthday package picked her up in a red 944.
The 1984 C4 Chevrolet Corvette

Ideally set to be released for the Corvette's 40th anniversary, Chevy missed the mark with the C4 by one year so there was technically no official 1983 Corvette but there is one out there.
Initially planned as a 1982 model, the fourth-gen Corvette was first pushed back to a fall 1982 introduction as a 1983 model—and then again to spring 1983 as ambitious upgrades met with further delays. By then, Chevrolet had decided to designate the “1983” Corvette a 1984.
The C4 was a massive departure and technological tsunami for Chevy for no other reason than the Cirque du Soleil acrobatics of the front head lights. They still get a giggle out of me.
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