The LRN's New Quiz Game "Name That Wheel!" Part 1
BBS GmbH, the German wheel-maker responsible for supplying wheels for some of the most legendary carmakers on earth, filed for bankruptcy on Monday. This got me thinking about distinct wheels. More so, iconic wheels.
Wheels that are instantly recognized and associated with certain auto makes and models. Wheels that lasted for at least five years and some that spun for more than 10 years.
With the demise of BBS and the Custom Wheel market ruling the roads, I couldn't help but to think about how there hasn't been an iconic wheel as of late (... except for the 2020 Genesis G90's wheels... yaoza!).
Think you know your wheels? Well let's play "Name That Wheel". Here are the first nine. Bear in mind that this group is about wheels. Hub-caps and wheel covers will be featured at a different time. Extra points awarded if you know the the first year or model upon a wheel was featured.
If you need/want a hint, scroll down past the legal crap.
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Hint: There are 2 Americans, 4 Germans, a couple of Italians and one Brit